Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Little Things

Who said we're little? Check out our cheeks!

Mama keeping two babies happy

Smile, Kai!

Practicing in her big-girl crib!

Sleepy Heads

4 Months Old and ready for a walk in the baby bjorns!

I can certainly relate to the old saying 'the little things are what mean the most.' It's amazing how a little smile and an enchanting stare can absolutely melt my heart. These tiny babies are growing so quickly, and each day they amaze me more and more.

Kai and Katherine just had their 4 month check-up at the pediatrician! Kai weighs 10 pounds, 7 ounces and Katherine weighs 7 pounds, 10 ounces. Notice how the numbers are just reversed? My twins don't want to be too different from each other! Our pediatrician couldn't be happier with their progress. We've had some difficult lab-draws in the last couple weeks. Let me tell you - watching your babies give 5 vials of blood via a heel-stick is not fun in the least bit. And what's worse is when you hear the news that you need to do it all over again. Most of their labs are perfectly normal, however they still have a high alk-phos level. At this time we are not going to put them back on that medication, and we will recheck labs in a month.

Life as a mom of twins is definitely busy, but things seem to get easier and easier each day. We've established somewhat of a 'routine,' and I think this helps both me and the babies. They love to lie under their activity mats, especially together. They also love their vibrating chairs, and when they won't sleep in their bassinettes they will fall fast asleep in their chairs. Those chairs have been a life-saver in helping mom and dad get some sleep! As for their sleeping habits, they are outstanding! They have only been waking up once a night for the past two weeks! During the day, Kai is a great little napper. He even takes naps in his big boy crib quite easily. Katherine, on the other hand, is just too busy checking out the world to have time for a nap during the day! Some days it takes leaps and bounds of rocking and cuddling to get her to take a day-time nap...and we make sure to practice going in her big girl crib at least once a day. She usually spends more time 'talking' to her monkey stuffed animal than anything else. She is going to give me a run for my money... So that means no napping for the mama! I'm awake around 6am when they drink their early morning bottles, and I'm going nonstop until the last binkie is popped in the mouth around 10pm. Then again when they wake up in the night, but usually only for an hour or so. No complaints on this end! I think that's pretty darn good.

The weeks of maternity leave are dwindling down, and it makes me very anxious that I will be returning to work soon. I am thankful that my mom will be watching them the first few shifts, as she will be here for the month of April. I return to work April 14th, and I will be working Tuesdays, Thursdays, and every other Sunday. (pending adequate staffing). We found a nanny who is originally from Wisconsin, and actually graduated from UW-Milwaukee where we went to school. She has a degree in teaching, but she hasn't been able to find a teaching job in SD. Instead, she is focusing on nannying for us and another family until the job market picks up. I never imagined that I would ever want to be a stay-at-home mom....but something drastically changed in me since having these little monkeys. Juggling two babies at the same time can prove to be challenging at times, and it will be a huge task for me to give up all control while I go back to work. I know they will be okay, and the nanny will be okay, and I will be okay. It's hard, though. I'm sure every mom goes through the same thing. Although I do think it's 'twice' as hard for me!

In the meantime, I am trying to enjoy each and every moment with these babies. They are interacting more and more each day. They are full of smiles in the mornings, and Katherine will even chuckle every now and then. Kai has the most incredible, enchanting gaze and he could win any staring contest hands down. They definitely recognize their mom and dad and will look in our direction when we're talking. Katherine likes to make grunting noises when she is waking up or trying to reach her binkie, and I laugh when she makes noises like a baby elephant. Kai is fascinated by their Baby Einstein DVD, and he'll let you know when he's done watching it by rubbing his little eyes. The hard thing about twins is that you constantly feel like you're bouncing between babies, and you don't get a whole lot of quality one-on-one time if you're alone with them. So I look forward to Rich coming home from work each night so I can spend alone time with each baby.

They are so perfect. I have looked forward to becoming a mom for awhile, but I never could have imagined how truly wonderful it is. And I am doubly blessed to enjoy the little things that matter most.