Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Double Babies, Double Ear Infections...

Katherine and Kai both have double ear infections. Two nights ago Rich and I had about 1/2 hour to an hour of sleep all night. Kai would not let me put him down, literally, and I had to lie with him on my chest most of the night through. Thankfully we had a much better night last night, as I've only been awake since 4am today. It's amazing how you can still function on such little I functioning?

It's so sad to watch your little babies while they are sick. And it's super hard when they both want to be cuddled at the same time, but you've only got room for one at a time! I had to call in sick to work yesterday, and Rich did the same, so I was so thankful there were another set of arms here to cuddle!

Katherine is obsessed with putting her toes in her mouth lately. She also does something that melts my heart every night - she gets a little silly when she is really tired before bed. She started doing it while my mom was here visiting for the month. She will drink a little bit, then you look down at her and she'll give you the biggest smile ever, and sometimes a little giggle. She'll do it every time you look at her. So cute.

Kai is going to follow in daddy's footsteps and be an engineer I think. It's amazing how much he studies his toys. He will grab a rattle and look at it in every direction possible. He is certainly going to be on the move soon. Today he was lying on his blanket on his tummy with some toys, and I left to wash bottle for a couple minutes. When I came back he was on the wood floor smacking it with his hands. He loves to do that.

At the pediatrician today, Kai was 18 pounds, 3 ounces and Katherine was 14 pounds, 13 ounces. Gosh, they are getting so big! Kai is doing fantastic on his new Alimentum Formula. Who knows if he'll be lactose or soy intolerant. Oh I sure hope not! The pediatrician chatted a bit about trying to give up the binkies in a few weeks when they are over their ear infections. Oh boy - what are we going to do in the middle of the night when one wakes up and's too hard to do the 'cry it out' method when you've got another baby in the room who will certainly wake up! There should be a different set of guidelines how to get twins who share a room to both sleep through the night! Trust me, I've done my research and found nothin'!

For now, we just have to get through the ear infections. I feel very lucky that this is the first time they've gotten ear infections. Poor little things!