Thursday, July 1, 2010

Time Flies....

So the twins are now 19 months old!

They are so much fun at this age and are becoming little 'people.' It amazes me every day how much they learn and grow. They are such little sponges right now. They typically are each other's best friends, however that's not to say that they get along 100% of the time! Typically it's been Kai pushing Katherine, or giving her a whack on the head, or stealing her toy....but lately little miss "Kat Kat," as they both call her, has been fighting back. She's much more determined to keep her own toys and not let her brother bully her around. And of course, anything Kai can do, Katherine can do too!

They have both generally been really good sleepers at night for the past few months. We have even been able to lay them down completely awake and they'll fall asleep on their own 95% of the time. And if they wake in the middle of the night, we rarely have to go in their room. They've been sleeping from 7pm-ish to 7am-ish. Sooo nice and sooo appreciated! They still nap twice a day, and they usually only take cat-naps, anywhere from 30 min to an hour. I'm thinking they'll transition to one nap a day soon...and hopefully it will be for a longer duration of time, also. Mama needs time to get some things done around the house!!

Kai is around 23 pounds. At his 18 month checkup he was in the 10th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for height! (true age scale!) Katherine was 20 pounds, 4 ounces yesterday with her diaper, clothes, and shoes on. At 18 months she was in the 5th percentile for height and weight, true age scale. I think that's pretty darn good!

We just got home from our first trip to Wisconsin! The plane rides were interesting, to say the least. They actually did quite well - better than I expected. They rode on our laps for 3 of the 4 flights, and one of the shorter flights they had empty seats which allowed us to bring their carseats on. It was all about distraction, new toys, new books, more distraction, snacks, walking the aisle, and more distraction. Not too many melt-downs. And we were very thankful the people around us were so understanding. Traveling with two toddlers is not an easy feat!

While we were in Wisconsin we went to two waterparks (they are both water kiddo's, that's for sure!), went to Rich's cousin's wedding, spent a few nights at Rich's parent's house, spent a few nights at my parent's trailer, spent a couple nights in hotel rooms....the most difficult part of the trip was packing and repacking every day or every couple days. The twins went on their first boat rides, jet ski's, a tractor, four wheelers, ate a popsicle for the first time, got their first mosquito bites....all in all they had a blast. They met an overwhelmingly amount of people, and Kai was attached to his daddy like you'd not believe! In a way, it made it easier on me...Rich had one and I had one. We finally met my niece Grace who is 10 months old and such a cutie. Unfortunately the twins are now super attached to their binkies, as they really wanted them as a comfort measure. So I gave in while we were in Wisconsin for 10 days. Now it's been torture trying to get the binkies to 'live in their cribs' again.

When we arrived back in San Diego, both of them were acting a little 'off.' Kai refused to sleep in his crib, his classic ear infection sign...but part of me wondered if he just wasn't used to his crib after being away for so long. After a couple sleepless nights, I took them to the pediatrician (alone, by the way, which is really not an easy task these days as they're afraid of the doctor now!). Sure enough, Kai has another ear infection. Katherine's ears looked okay, but her throat was red and swollen, she's had diarrhea, a low-grade fever, a rash, and hasn't been feeling well. Just a virus...which will inevitably turn into an ear infection...

So we're not quite back to normalcy yet. I have a crabby little boy who clings to his daddy at any chance he gets and I have a little girl who wants nothing more than to suck on her binkie all day long. Unfortunately her top teeth are coming in a little crooked, so I'm really trying to stay strong and keep that binkie in the crib for 'night night' only. She has been doing such a great job of telling me when she has to go 'poo poo' though - and both of them have gone on their potty a few times already! They are fascinated by the potty, which is both good and bad...but certainly makes me keep a clean bathroom!!

While I had a few moments of peacefulness with Katherine dozing on my chest on the airplane ride home from Wisconsin, I gazed out the window and thought about Kai running around my parent's yard following his older cousins everywhere. He looked like such a big kid, hanging out and admiring all the older boys. At one point they were climbing around the fence and Kai's shirt got stuck on it. Pretty funny to see him hanging there, almost helpless, until his older cousin stepped in and got him off. Never a peep from him. Just a look of 'thanks, man.'

Gosh, they have come such a long way! Such a big boy he's becoming...and such a big girl my princess is becoming....and as I gazed out the airplane window I got a little tear in my eye thinking about how fast time flies.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Oh Kristi. I just loved hearing all about your trip to Wisconsin and how well they did travelling. Travelling with one toddler was NOT an easy feat, so my hat goes off to you and Rich.

I can't believe how fast time goes by. It's wonderful to watch them grow, yet a little bitter sweet that they are growing so fast.

Kiss your sweet babies for me and the boys. xo