Tuesday, August 26, 2008

One Boy....One Girl

Baby Boy on top, Baby Girl on bottom

3-D Picture of Baby Girl..with her hands by her face

One perfect little boy, one perfect little girl...

Before reading on, scroll down to the bottom of the page to our music selection. Then click on the song by Collin Raye. Listen carefully, all the way through to the end of the song. (I know I know, not everyone likes country music, but just listen to it anyway).

Rich and I met 12 years ago as freshman in college, and my cousin and best friend in the world Heather was my room-mate at the time. Heather had this CD, and we used to play it over and over and over again, and I liked to call it 'mine and Rich's song.' Rich and I had an instant connection, even though we were only 18 years old. And I was such a dreamer.... Rich and I grew together over the years, and eventually Heather was by my side as I crossed a bridge to marry the man of my dreams. During our wedding reception, she surprised us with a movie of pictures of Rich and I...and one of the songs it played to was One Boy, One Girl. Perfect.

Rich and I have always shared many hopes and aspirations with each other, and one of them was to have children and raise a family. We had many crossroads along that path, and Heather was by our side to keep us strong and focused on our dreams...to help us cross our bridges. I cannot thank her enough for being such an important person in our lives.

Little did I know how much this song would mean to me 12 years later. To this very day, my heart still beats wildly for my husband, the best husband in the world. And it is so amazing that I now have two hearts beating wildly inside of my belly....one boy, one girl.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Growing and growing and growing...

17 weeks, one day. I'm definitely feeling these babies move! I don't feel the typical 'butterly' sensation that most people talk about. Instead I feel like someone is lightly poking at my stomach every now and then. And I just know it's my two little monkeys in there!

No news on the bathroom remodel. We're exactly where we were last time I wrote....

Here's some new pictures! Enjoy!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

You've gotta see the potential

Maybe next time he'll come back with a fish...

Rich out to sea with his spear-gun

16 weeks, 1 day

Priming the ceiling

Priming the newly textured walls

Slate shower

Installing the slate floor

Framing the shower

Gutted Bathroom

'The Before' Bathroom

Naming our Pumpkins

Our garden

Brewers vs. Padres Game

More pictures, as promised. They show in random order...sorry about that.
Our pumpkins are growing nicely. We're keeping up with Rich's grandpa's tradition of engraving names into the pumpkins as they are growing. Soon we'll have a ton of ripe tomatoes, and we've had a few cucumbers as well. Not too bad for our first garden. Now we can't wait for the lemon and avocado tree to produce!
We had another great weekend in San Diego. Saturday was spent doing house stuff...our plumbers were busy underneath the house all day. Rich was able to clear another section of the backyard. Someday we'll have nice green grass... We painted the bathroom this morning and the color turned out much better than our first choice. Tomorrow the plumbers 'should' be finishing, and we'll have a running toilet and the vanity should be installed. Next will be picking out and installing the granite counters and building a little make-up vanity for me. Maybe on Tuesday we'll be able to take a shower in the full-sized shower!
Every now and then we still have that 'overwhelmed' feeling when it comes to our house. There is still so much that we would like to get done. But we have to remember, one step at a time. We plan to be here for a very long time. Many people thought we were crazy when we bought this house - but we saw the potential and we take great pride in making it our own. Now those same friends that thought we were crazy can't believe it's the same house! You've always gotta see the potential in things, right?
We went to the beach for a few hours today with our good friends Dayna and Charles and their 10 1/2 month-old little boy Brayden. He is such a riot in the sand - and isn't afraid of the waves at all. It's amazing to think that we'll have two little ones to chase after soon. We can't wait! While we were there, I realized that today I did not take any anti-nausea medication, and I also haven't gagged a single time. First time since 6 weeks. Yay!
Looking forward to the good times ahead...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Rich is a TV star!

We went to the Padres vs. Brewers baseball game last night, and apparently Rich was on fox sports network standing up and cheering when the Brewers hit a home run! He was recognized by a few people back home - even an old friend from high school. Such a celebrity. While we were watching the game, for a brief moment I felt like someone was poking at my stomach softly. Could that have been the babies??!! I think I felt the same thing while driving today...but maybe I want to feel them so bad that I'm imagining it.

I'm 16 weeks, 2 days today. I had my appointment with Dr. Barile, and I'm happy to say that I'm finally 2 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight. My appetite is slowly getting better and I'm not throwing up as much these days. She listened to their heartbeats via the doppler, and found them both right away. They sounded perfect! My next appointment will be with the perinatologist (high risk OB doc) in 2 weeks. Boys...girls...one of each...??

Our bathroom remodel project has been temporarily put on hold while we sort out a plumbing issue that we didn't anticipate. I'm getting a little annoyed living in hardy-backer and tile dust, but it'll be well worth it. We also need to repaint the bathroom because the color we chose looks terrible on the walls, even though the same color looks great elsewhere in the house. Oh well. It'll look great in a matter of time.

Tonight we are going to Wind'an'Sea Beach when Rich gets home from work. I'll veg out in a beach chair and read a book while Rich goes snorkeling with his spear-gun. He thinks he's bringing home dinner for himself. We shall see!

I'll post more pictures of the belly bump and bathroom soon...and Rich's 'dinner' if all goes well tonight!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Getting Started...

Just thought I'd start my new blogging experience by thanking my friends and coworkers for giving me the idea. Hopefully this will be a good way to keep family and friends updated on the new additions in our lives!

I'm 15 weeks, 4 days now, and our little twinkies are growing quite well. A little more height could prove to be beneficial right now - I don't have much room to fit them in there, so they're apparently going straight out! That's okay, they'll find a way to fit. I'm still battling with my nausea enemy, and my poor husband is getting used to me gagging out of nowhere and running to the bathroom. Good thing for my zofran medication. Hopefully it'll pass soon, but if not, we're still so incredibly thankful for these little babies. We'll find out their genders in a couple weeks!

We're very busy remodeling our house. I'm not sure if the remodeling projects will ever end....we have some big dreams for this house! Rich is so handy and sometimes surprises me that he knows how to do all of this stuff - must be the good ol' midwest upbringing and guidance from his dad. The major project at the time is a bathroom remodel. Soon my belly won't fit into the tiny shower in the other bathroom we've been using (seriously!). We can't wait for everyone to visit!

I'm back to work as a nurse/charge nurse in Labor and Delivery. It feels great to get back into my normal routine, but spending 12 hours on my feet is a little nerve-wracking. There are times that it gets so busy that you don't have time to eat or pee all day...but I can't do that anymore. I can barely go 2 hours without needing a little snack or I'll be throwing up. I know my limits, and these babies are more important than the world itself. I'll do the best I can at work, for as long as I can. But it's more important to keep them inside for as long as I can!

I've included a belly-shot of the twins at 14 weeks and another of our house - I'll try to keep them coming. Enjoy watching our growth!