Thursday, October 16, 2008

More of the same...

Today's verdict: More of the same.
Our interpretation: Great news!!

We saw the perinatologist again today. I have to admit that I was quite nervous for today's appointment. I layed awake most of the night, wondering if I would need to be re-admitted to the hospital.

Rich and I were both quiet on the drive there. Both with busy minds, I suppose. It was nice to get a change of scenery though, after 9 straight days of being cooped up. The ultrasound tech began with the growth measurements on the babies, and it was so great to peek at them again on the 'big screen.' (The images are displayed on a huge plasma TV screen for us to watch as they do the ultrasound). Both babies weigh around 1 pound, 7 ounces, and both are in the 5th percentile for growth. Tiny little monkeys! But the doc's are not overly concerned at this point because there is no evidence of something being 'wrong' to contribute to their low percentiles. They have healthy placentas, good blood flow through their umbilical cords, plenty of fluid surrounding them, and they meet every other criteria they should be. So they're just small. And obviously Rich and I are not big people, so it would be a little strange to have two giants in there. Personally, I think they're absolutely perfect.

Then Dr. Kelly collected a Fetal Fibronectin sample, which basically would indicate if I was at high risk of delivering in the next two weeks. We don't know the results yet, but whether the results are positive or negative, we are not changing the management plan: Bedrest, and of course my friend Terbutaline.

Next was the cervix check, which was generally the same as it was a week ago. It's still short, and it's still funneled...but it hasn't gotten any worse. Which is great news!!!

I can do more of the same...

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