Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Little adjustments...

I'm a ham for the camera!

What are you lookin' at?

Happy Easter!

Mama's little man

Sweet little baby doll

Papa and Katherine

We kept nana very busy!

Silly babies

Can you believe the twins are 6 months old?! Where has the time gone?!

Kai and Katherine are doing fantastic. They are just growing like little weeds now. Kai weighs almost 15 pounds and Katherine is around 12 pounds. They are so much fun right now. It seems as if they have 're-discovered' each other. They will play in their Bumbo chairs facing each other, and they will make noises and laugh at each other. It's so adorable to watch. I don't know who loves Baby Einstein more - the twins or their mama! That silly movie has allowed me the freedom to prepare their bottles and medications each morning, and even allows me to shower and get ready on occasion! Daddy watched them alone for the first time for 13 hours last Sunday while I was at work, and they were great for Daddy! They even both rolled over from their tummies to their backs for the very first time!

Kai battled some issues with reflux but has been doing so much better now that he's on Previcid. For a few weeks he could only eat 2 ounces at a time, and then he would scream in pain. He's now back to drinking 5 ounces each bottle. He's my marathon eater - slow but steady. Katherine-bug has decided that she's finally hungry enough to finish most of her bottles (which is 3 1/2 ounces these days. Seems crazy that they are 6 months old and only eat that much, but their adjusted age is truly just over 3 months.

Nana was here for the month of April and I can't explain how much of a help she was to us. From feeding and rocking babies to preparing meals and doing dishes - oh my gosh, do we ever miss her! I think the babies miss smiling and laughing at her while they drank their bottles. Papa was here for two weeks, and boy was he ever busy for those two weeks! He moved the closet door in the nursery, built a door into the nursery, installed a dishwasher, did some electrical work, and built a deck and railings...all in two weeks! Of course there was some baby-holding time in there too! We miss them both so much and it was terribly difficult saying good-bye. We're not sure when we'll travel to Wisconsin again, nor do we know when they'll be back to San Diego to see us. Hopefully sooner than later!

I've been back to work for a month. My first few shifts, Nana was here to babysit. Our nanny started in May, and she is so fantastic with the twins. I have complete trust in her and I feel so comfortable having her at our house with the babies. We are so blessed to have found her! I am working every Tues and Thurs, and every other Sunday. 13 hours away from the babies is soooooo long and I miss them sooooo much by the end of the day. Thankfully they're still awake when I get home and I'm able to feed them their last bottle and put them down to sleep.

They are still sleeping in the twin bassinette in our bedroom, but the time is near that we are making the transition to their cribs in their nursery. Each side of the bassinette only holds 15 pounds, and Kai is just about there! For the most part, Kai sleeps through the night, only waking on occasion for his binkie. Katherine has been waking up quite a few times a night from 3am on for the past few weeks. She'll take her binkie, reposition, and fall back asleep quickly, but only to wake up a short time later. She doesn't need to eat anymore in the middle of the night, but I'm really hoping she's able to sleep more soundly through the night soon. Or else we will be making a lot of trips up and down the stairs. (Our bedroom is directly above their bedroom). I've considered the idea of moving Kai to his crib and keeping Katherine upstair in the bassinette, but I really hate to separate them, so I think we're just going to dive in and move them both....

It's so hard to remember what life was like without Kai and Katherine. I just love every little ounce of them so much. We have had such great help lately, from my sister and family visiting, my parents visiting, and our friend Heidi visiting, and now it's back to life with just the four of us. We have some adjusting periods ahead of us, but they are such fun adjustments! I wouldn't give any of this up for the world...

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