Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Childcare stresses

I am so sad to write that we have lost our wonderful nanny, Kalli. Her boyfriend was in a tragic pool accident after they both attended a friend's wedding last weekend in Wisconsin. He fractured vertabrae in his neck and bruised his spinal cord, and his recovery process will be a long journey. She does not know when/if she will ever return to San Diego. Please keep them both in your prayers for a full recovery.

So our adventure in finding a new nanny has begun. What an incredibly stressful time right now. Not only am I concerned about Kalli and her boyfriend, but I am obviously very concerned for my own family as well. It was difficult finding our first nanny - she has got to be the perfect fit, and Kalli was absolutely that. We are now pressured to find someone in a hurry, as I cannot continue to call in sick to work. Thankfully Emily, one of their NICU nurses, will be watching the babies for a few hours tomorrow while I'm working. However, next week we have no back-up plan. Who has a back-up plan for terrible tragedies like this?

We will certainly miss Kalli, and I know the babies will also. I can only pray that we find someone as wonderful as she is. Who ever thought child-care would be so stressful?

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