Monday, October 19, 2009


Time is flying by so quickly now, and soon the babies will be one year old!! Oh my gosh! It's so incredible to me how much they've grown and everything they have overcome in this past year.

Five weeks after the first ear infections, they had another round of ear infections. This time they were even sicker, and it lasted much longer. More sleepless nights for us. Now they are both teething. Katherine has her two front bottom teeth almost completely in, and Kai's bottom two teeth are just poking through now. Needless to say, Katherine has proven, once again, to be our little 'toughie.' Kai has been much more grumpy about getting his teeth...typical boy, right? Gosh, does he ever remind me of Rich! he he :)

We went to the Wild Animal Park and a pumpkin patch a couple weekends ago and the babies did great. It was an adventurous day! Katherine liked the hay more than the pumpkins, and Kai didn't really like the crowds of people. It takes him a little longer to warm up to other people. But we all had fun and got some good pictures.

Next Wednesday Kai will be having his surgery. He will be under general anesthesia for 2 hours and I am so incredibly anxious and scared. He didn't do well with anesthesia with his first surgery...and the memories of him being on a ventilator for 24 hours and then under a hooded tent and not being able to even touch him for another 24 hours is still very fresh on my mind. My heart absolutely aches just thinking about it. I'm sure his recovery process will be interesting as well, since he's my 'sensitive' boy. I have a feeling I'll have a little boy attached to me for a few days. Good thing Katherine is pretty independent.

But I know he'll do fine and soon this will be another milestone that we have accomplished....

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