Monday, November 23, 2009

Grown up babies!

With their signs from their incubators! Kai 2 pounds, 7 ounces. Katherine 1 pound, 15 ounces

Kai and Katherine are one year old!!

My parents and my grandmother came to visit over their birthdays. They were amazed at how much they've grown! It was great to have their help, as the babies are now very mobile and into everything! They like to go in opposite directions, just to make it fun for mama to chase after them. :) We had a big birthday party at Kate Sessions Park and it was so much fun. Thank you so much to everyone for coming and for all of the wonderful gifts!

Kai's surgery went well and he did great with the anesthesia. His recovery, however, was absolutely terrible. It was the hardest 2 weeks since bringing the babies home from the NICU, for sure. He was bandaged and had a stent in place for a week, which caused severe bladder spasms that you could do nothing about. He was miserable and in pain all the time. After a week, the bandage and stent were removed and I thought things would get easier, but they only got harder. He had a severe reaction to the bandage and was red, swollen, and blistered everywhere. Each time he pee'd he would scream bloody murder for days and days. One night we spent 5 hours in the ER at Children's (with both babies) because everything had turned was miserable there but we are thankful we went because they diagnosed him with a yeast infection and gave us some nystatin cream for the pussy blisters...and a day later he was already feeling better.

They are still teething like crazy, especially Kai. He has 4 that are poked through on the bottom and one coming in on top. And let me tell you, he is not very happy about it! (And neither are mom and dad). He isn't sleeping well at all these days and has been waking up screaming around 5 or 5:30am. Coming from my boy who used to sleep til 7:30 or 8:00, it's pretty rough for him to be up that early. The first couple hours of our days are spent with him crying or whining, then it gets a little better after his first nap...which is happening earlier and earlier. :)

Oh, this too shall pass, right? I wish they could go to sleep and wake up the next morning with a full mouth of teeth. It's funny how different two babies can be - most of the time you'd never even know Katherine is teething. Thank goodness for that!

They are crawling like champions and can roam the whole house. Fast little buggers! They pull up on anything and everything, but their favorite is the coffee table. We finally put a gate around the TV in their toy room since Katherine is obsessed with the DVD buttons. They aren't too fond of the gate. In physical therapy, they are now working on 'cruising' along furniture. Ummm...I'm not sure I'm ready for that!!!

Each day they are even more grown up, and it's all happening so fast!

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