Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Where has time gone?

My goodness, it's been awhile! I am long overdue for an update!

The twins are 16 months old! They are beginning to walk...and they are everywhere! They seldomly crawl now, as I think they've realized it hurts their knees. So stinkin' cute to watch them both on their feet at the same time!

Katherine is my mellow girl now. She is very patient and she is able to entertain herself quietly with toys or books. She likes to share everything she has, including sharing with her brother. She loves her baby dolls, and her nana has recently spoiled her with a baby buggy, which she adores. She loves to rock her babies and give them kisses. She is a very smart girl and loves to imitate and make signs. Both babies are learning sign language, and she really seems to pick up on it quickly. She still adores her brother like crazy, and I think her favorite word is "Kai." She is a bit of a taddle-tale and likes to point at him when he's doing something naughty and say "Kai, Kai." They are both on the true-age scale now and Katherine is in the 5th percentile and Kai is in the 10th percentile for 15 month olds! Hooray babies!

Kai is my little boy who is now giving me a run for my money! He is ALL boy! He is very rambunctious and full of energy. My parents have nick-named him "Bam Bam" which is very, very fitting. He has a short fuse and an even shorter attention span! He keeps me super busy and needs a lot of entertainment from mama. When he is teething, he is in a terrible mood, and unfortunately they both seem to be teething a lot these days. I still wish they could go to sleep and wake up with a full mouth of teeth. His favorite thing to do is steal toys from his sister...and he also loves to climb stairs and has absolutely NO fear! His gaze is still so enchanting and he has the cutest smile with a huge gap between his front teeth. Even though he keeps me on my toes, I don't know what I'd do without my little boy! He adores his daddy and always wants to be outside with him - anything to get dirty! He is hystarical in the sand and I think both babies will definitely be beach babies this summer!!

My parents were just visiting with my neice Madeline for 10 days. My dad built us another deck around our new hot-tub, and it extends off/goes around our toy room. The kids already love it out there!! We bought them little life jackets to go in the hot tub with us (at just a warm temperature)...they've been in once and had a blast! The twins really miss their nana, and they crawl around the room and say "Na Na, Na Na, Na Na" and look for her. It breaks my heart! Madeline was such a great little helper and it made me realize how much easier my life would be with a 10 year old around the house! My sister has certainly done something right with raising that girl because she was absolutely an angel while she was here. I need some parenting tips from Kathy!!

We are looking forward to our visit to Wisconsin this June. I'm not looking forward to traveling on the airplane with the twins...that will be interesting, to say the least. But I can't wait for our extended families to finally meet them! I think they get cuter and cuter as each day passes!


ckmlord said...

You could solve that problem...them looking for their moving back to Wisconsin!!!!!!!!!!! A lot more people than Nana would like that!!

Angela said...

Just catching up on your blog and I'm loving these photos! I can't get over how big these babies are. I *must* see them - soon.

Oh and I think you might have a great idea for Halloween costumes -Bam Bam and Pebbles. Can you picture it? I can! *wink*