Monday, November 10, 2008

Dreading the Darkness

Let me first just start out by saying how much I love being pregnant...during the day! But I find myself dreading the night-time hours more and more lately.

We're not quite sure what the problem is yet...either it's severe heartburn (common especially in a twin pregnancy) or just that my organs are shifting so much because there's not much room left in there for two babies and everything else! Either way, it's extremely uncomfortable. When the pain hits, it feels like a knife is being jabbed into my stomach, and it radiates in a band around my abdomen and into my back. There is no comfortable position that I can get into, and it's hard to sit still for more than 10 seconds at a time. At times I will pace the living room, but then I find myself contracting too much, so then I need to take my terbutaline. So I'm left with a racing heart, difficulty taking a deep breath, a knife in my stomach, a back that begins to spasm, and contractions every couple of minutes. This typically continues for 5-6 hours in the middle of the night. I'm barely eating during the day, especially at dinner, as I'm fearful of the lack of digestion, but at the same time I know I need to be eating more than this right now. I throw up a few times a night now also, even despite the bland food, small amounts, water-only diet...and a carton of tums, tasty cherry Mylanta, and Zantac.

I had some labs drawn today, just to make sure there is nothing going on with my liver. I'm confident those labs will be normal. And I know this is all temporary and will soon pass. And each time I feel these two little monkey's moving around, I am reminded that all of these crazy pregnancy woe's are more than worth it. In the meantime, I guess it's preparing me for the lack of sleep to come in our future...

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