Sunday, November 2, 2008

Laughter is the Best Medicine!!

Let the laughter begin!

"Eenie, Meenie, Minie, Moe"

Rich took the ladies to Orfila Winery

The patio at Orfila

Aunt Judy with Val Kilmer on Halloween!

"I Met Him at the Candy Store..."

A family who wears silly hats stays together!

So they always say that laughter is the best medicine, and I must agree with this! My family from Wisconsin and Illinois came to visit for a few days, and while they were here they had a baby shower for me. Rich and I recently had been dealt some more rocky news, so having them here put my mind at ease and did wonders on lifting my spirits. They couldn't have come at a more perfect time!

Our babies have once again dropped in growth percentiles - they are now only in the 2nd percentile. The doc's are concerned that each time we do a growth scan, they are dropping more and more off that normal curve. Their placentas are both small, thus contributing to their slow growth. We will begin weekly testing, and if they don't meet certain criteria, we will have to deliver them early. There comes a point when babies do better on the outside than they do on the inside, especially if their placentas aren't giving them the nourishment they need to grow. Now it's a battle of which will come first: me going into labor too soon, or needing to deliver the babies early because of their growth issues. The phrase 'double trouble' seems to be pretty accurate lately.

As far as the contractions go, I still have them and I still need to take my terbutaline. It takes a little longer than it used to for the medication to kick in, but all in all, it's still working for me. My cervix is staying strong in there, even with more frequent contractions. So that's the good news!

With all of this on our minds, the past few days could have been very long. But as I've said, my family was here to keep me company and provide me with the best medicine of all. From toe games and sippy cups to Halloween hats and Hansy-poo stories, I don't think I've laughed that much in quite some time! But what made the visit even better was being able to watch the smiles on my family's faces and know that they, too, were having a great time.

We could all use a little more laughter in our lives!

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