Sunday, November 2, 2008

To My Family: How Can I Thank You Enough?

Heather went above and beyond!

Katherine and Kai cookies !!

Safari Cupcakes!

Heather helping me with my plate

Could this preemie hat get any cuter?

Adorable giggling toys from Papa!

Rocking Surfin' Elmo from Nana!

How can I thank you enough?

I had so much to say to my family on the day of my baby shower, but the tears and emotions kept them from coming out of my mouth! So I will do my best here to say the thanks that I meant to tell you on that day. I was thankful that I wrote out a letter for Heather to thank her for hosting the shower for me, and I wish I had done the same for you all. You can be sure that the tears are already flowing from my eyes as I write this...

So many things, where to start? You know that I have looked forward to this moment for so long and for so many different reasons. You've listened to my times of heartache and have always been there with words of encouragement and support, no matter what obstacle I had just encountered. I was bummed early in the pregnancy when I was told I wouldn't be able to fly home for a shower. But what bummed me out even more was the fact that I wouldn't be able to really 'share' my pregnancy with show off my baby bump and have you feel the babies move in there. When I ruined the surprise that you were planning on flying to Heather's for a shower for me, I instantly had tears and felt so ecstatic and so honored.

And then we had a few glitches recently, and you didn't hesitate to change your plans and bring the shower down to me in San Diego. You rolled with the punches and kept my spirits high - and gave me some added determination to keep these babies inside of me. The past few weeks of bedrest have been long and boring, but I really had something to look forward to with your visit. It couldn't come soon enough!

I was so giddy with excitement for you to see my growing bump and feel these babies moving inside of me. This is definitely a time that I miss you guys more than ever. And my heart aches when I begin to think about the things in our future that I won't be able to physically share with you. Thank goodness for emails and digital cameras and video cameras, and hopefully some cheaper airplane tickets in the future.

As if flying across the country to see me wasn't enough, you were all so extremely generous with the gifts for the twins. I was overwhelmed with all of the presents - you certainly went above and beyond. I can't thank you enough for all of the wonderful presents. These babies are already spoiled! Wish you could (again) help me put everything away in the nursery, mom.

It wasn't easy saying good-bye to you all. I wanted to lock you inside my house. (Hmm, against your will, or not against your will..not sure?) I think part of saying good-bye just made it so much more 'real' that these babies could come any time now. Silly, but I just thought there was no way they would come until after your visit for the baby shower. Well, that's come and the next step will be babies. Let's just hope that it's later rather than sooner. And the next time you see me, I will be a mom.

I am finally going to be a mom...

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