Monday, September 29, 2008

Could they be hiccups?

Nice catch, Rich!

Catamaran Cruise with Dayna and Charles

Watch out Brayden...he might steal your chainsaw!

Opening Gifts

Brayden's 1st Birthday Cake!

23 weeks, 3 days! And I think someone in there might be getting the hiccups...

For the past few days, I feel rythmic movements for a few minutes, and then it goes away. You can even watch my belly button rise and fall every few seconds. I know babies get hiccups all the time while in-utero, but it's amazing to feel them already at 23 1/2 weeks.

The babies are both doing well. Our little girl is now the smaller twin, and we will continue to keep an eye on their growth. For now, I'm still working on chowin' down as much as I can...the goal is two 5 pounders, and so far they're right around a pound each.

Last weekend we helped our friends Dayna and Charles celebrate their son Brayden's first birthday party. I was fortunate enough to take care of Dayna during her labor and delivery, and I was even the first person to physically touch him. I'm bummed that I'll still be on maternity leave when she delivers her next baby this March, but I'll make sure she's in good hands and I'm hoping to be there as a visitor this time. The weekend before that, the four of us went on a catamaran dinner cruise. Our financial advisor invited us on the cruise as a client appreciation gift.

Rich also got in his first lobster dive of the year last Sunday. He went with Michael, and they each came back with one good-sized lobster. Apparently there were tons of lobsters around, but none that were big enough to keep. One thing is for sure, you certainly would never find me down there grabbing for lobsters in the middle of the night! Crazy husband of mine...

I've had a few busy days at work lately, which my uterus hasn't been so appreciative of. Wednesday I found myself contracting every 5 minutes for awhile, and they even started to get a little uncomfortable. I had to sit down, put my feet up, and hydrate like crazy. They did eventually go away. But they were certainly a reminder that this 5'2" frame is under a lot of stress carrying twins, and I need to focus on what's best for them. If I plan on keeping them in there for the long haul, I must slow down.

And keep on eating....time for a snack!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bring on Fall!

Our Pumpkin!

Carrying on Grandpa's tradition

Rich picking up more stones...they're everywhere!

Rich with Nala and Raja...the nightly ritual

21 weeks, and very vein-y!

For the first time in many years, I am actually ready for summer to end. (Although when does summer officially 'end' in San Diego?) I guess it just means that I'm that much closer to my due date, and holding my precious babies in my arms. One day at a time...

Most of our pumpkins are orange, and the engraved names turned out perfectly. Now we need to drop them off for the kids. Not many people in San Diego have heard of 'personalizing' a pumpkin! I've discovered a new apple cider. I can't wait to take a trip up to the little mountain town, Julian, where it feels more like fall. Like a good ol' Wisconsin Fall, with changing leaves and crisp air, complete with festivities in the apple orchards and pumpkin patches...and of course, the famous apple pie.

We can now physically watch both babies' movements just under my skin. Our baby boy has officially found my right rib-cage...He apparently likes to stretch and poke his little foot out where we can see it right under my ribs! And that's just the beginning...there are 8 growing limbs moving around in there!!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Attack of the Dots!

So I've always had a few 'Strawberry Marks' here and there...I guess it comes along with the fair skin. But in the last few weeks, each morning I wake up I have a few more red marks on my chest or arms. Apparently it's caused from an increase in estrogen. A friend of mine asked if my cat scratched my chest. "Nope, they're just my dots." And they're everywhere! Wonder if they'll stick around when my estrogen calms down once the babies are born..??

Both of my recent doctor's appointments went well. (I'm officially 20 weeks and 2 days today.) It was fun to watch the babies moving on the ultrasound and actually feel them moving at the same time. Our little girl is quite the mover now - she recently kicked Rich's hand so hard that she made my bellybutton move! She must be squishing her little brother down there, as I don't feel him as often as I feel her. She also had her cute little tush right in her poor brother's face at the last ultrasound appointment. Brotherly and sisterly love, already.

Rich had his first experience at Babies'R'Us last night - and did quite well! We met after work to finish registering for a few bigger items. Thankfully I had a list of only 6 things we needed to look at, and he was happy to be in charge of the little scanner-gun. Give him a 'toy' and he can be busy for hours. :) I've had lots of practice already. Ha! We then went to dinner at PF Changs, which by the way has been my only real craving so far this pregnancy. We shared a giant bowl of soup and the chicken lo mein...and for the first time in 12 years, we managed to finish an entire meal. Well, there were four of us eating, after all!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Good Times, Good Friends

Our good friend Heidi was visiting from Wisconsin over the long holiday weekend. We had such a great time and it was so good to see her and show her our new house and my newly expanding wasteline.

Rich is cousins of Heidi's cousin (confusing, I know) and has known her since preschool. Almost like family, but sharing no blood. I officially met Heidi about 4 years ago when she moved to San Diego. It was one of those friendships that you didn't see coming. She has become one of the closest friends in my life, and has remained that way even with moving back to Wisconsin to the cranberry marsh 2 years ago. Being a twin herself, she is so excited for us and for our twins. She is definitely part of our 'family' now, and I just know that 'auntie Heidi' will be part of our lives forever.

Update on the babies: I'm feeling great and the babies are moving more and more each day. Rich tries to feel them when they're the most active, but they still seem a little shy to give their dad's hand a good kick. Soon enough! I can distinctively tell who is who in there, and since our little girl is a bit bigger at this point, I can feel her the most. He occupies the 'bottom bunk' and she occupies the 'top bunk.' We have an appointment with my OB-doctor this Friday, and another appointment with the perinatologist next Tuesday. They're growing quite well in there, as evidenced by the pictures I'll post of our fun weekend with Heidi...